All About Eve Scene 2 Summary

  • It's a dark and stormy October night outside a Broadway theater where Margo Channing is performing Aged in Wood.
  • Karen arrives in a luscious fur coat, and wonders about the strange girl who always hangs around outside the theater.
  • Oh, there she is in the alleyway. It's Eve, in a plain raincoat and plainer hat.
  • Eve approaches Karen, who wonders why Eve watches Margo's play six nights a week. She's seen every performance of the same play because, well, it's Margo Channing.
  • Because Eve's such a big fan, Karen drags her into Margo's dressing room to meet her idol.
  • Excited to be back stage, Eve looks out at the auditorium. All the seats are empty, and the cleaning crew is vacuuming the rows.
  • Inside Margo's dressing room, there's raucous laughter.
  • Karen goes inside first, gives her husband, Lloyd, a smooch, and sits next to Margo, who's describing an interview she had with a Southern reporter.
  • Margo turns to Lloyd, the playwright, and asks him to write a nice normal play about a woman who shoots her husband.
  • Karen defends her husband's play, and Margo says she's sorry, she's just shooting off her big mouth.
  • Karen says she brought in one of Margo's fans to meet her, and after some debate, Margo agrees to meet her.
  • She introduces Eve to Lloyd, Margo, and Margo's smart-mouthed assistant, Birdie.
  • Lloyd asks if Eve likes the play, and Eve says she'd like anything Margo was in. Suck-up alert.
  • Eve says she doesn't have friends or family or anywhere to go, so she sees the play every night. Yes, that sounds normal.
  • She first saw Margo Channing in San Francisco, where she was still as obsessive, seeing every performance.
  • "When the show went east, I went east," she says.
  • According to Eve, she was an only child in Wisconsin. (Making cheese, we guess.)
  • Obsessed with theater and acting (maybe on the farm she put on plays with cows— Romoo and Mooliet or A Midsummer Night's Cream), she couldn't tell the real from unreal anymore. "The unreal seemed more real to me," she says.
  • When she moved to Milwaukee, she met Eddie, a radio technician, whom she married before he went to war.
  • Eve went to meet Eddie in San Francisco on leave.
  • However, Eddie ended up with permanent leave. He was dead.
  • Eve stayed in San Francisco, and there she saw Margo Channing in Remembrance.
  • When her sob story concludes, Margo wipes her eyes on a tissue, and Birdie cracks a sarcastic remark. She's not feeling it.
  • A new arrival sweeps in, a man who can't believe Margo isn't ready yet, even though his plane leaves in less than an hour.
  • It's Bill Sampson, Margo's boyfriend and the director of the play.
  • Karen introduces him to Eve.
  • Eve excuses herself, but Margo doesn't want Eve to go. She invites her to tag along to the airport.
  • Lloyd and Karen depart, leaving Eve alone with Bill.
  • Bill's going to Hollywood, but Eve doesn't understand why he'd want to leave the theatre.
  • He rants about Hollywood still being theatre. "It may not be your theatre, but it's theatre for somebody somewhere!"
  • Eve says she just asked a simple question, and Bill apologizes.
  • She says he must return from Hollywood. He explains he's only directing one picture, then he'll come back.
  • Margo emerges from the bathroom. She can't find her earring, so she decides to just wear one. What would Joan Rivers think?