Bob Woodward (Robert Redford)’s Timeline and Summary

Bob Woodward (Robert Redford)’s Timeline and Summary

  • Woodward is called down to the courthouse where the Watergate burglars are being arraigned.
  • He thinks their case is suspicious, and soon uncovers a link between them and a White House employee.
  • He continues digging, which involves a lot of this: Ring ring. "Hello, this is Bob Woodward with the Washington Post." *click*
  • Woodward is begrudgingly partnered with Carl Bernstein and they work together to uncover more sources about the scandal.
  • Meanwhile, Woodward talks to his nameless shadowy source, Deep Throat, who advises Woodward to "follow the money" as if there's a trail of bills leading straight to Nixon's office.
  • Well, there practically is.
  • The reporters discover a mysterious slush fund of contributions to CREEP – the Committee to Re-Elect the President.
  • Although no one will put their name on the story, and Woodward becomes increasingly frustrated.
  • He demands answers from Deep Throat, who confirms that Nixon's Chief of Staff, Haldeman, is behind the break-in.
  • Woodward and Bernstein publish their story, and the administration falls like a chain of dominoes.