
Character Role Analysis

Meredith "Merry" Levov and Dawn Levov

Merry and Dawn seem like polar opposites. While Dawn is petite, lovely, and reserved, Merry is large, plain, and volatile. Where Dawn wants a normal life, Merry wants anything but. There is much conjecture in the novel over whether Dawn's pressuring Merry to be more "socially acceptable" might be part of the reason she goes off the deep end.

Meredith "Merry" Levov, Jerry Levov, and Lou Levov to the Swede

Merry, Lou, and Jerry are all extremely volatile and intense, while the Swede is extremely mild. Where the Swede is moderate, they are extreme. Where the Swede is reasonable, they are unreasonable. From religion to politics to sex and war, Merry, Jerry and Lou promote controversy, while the Swede cares more than anything about getting along with his family.