Lise's Costumes

Lise's Costumes

Lise must have one heck of a closet. When we first meet her, by way of Henri's description of her to Adam, Henri portrays Lise as a complex young lady. She's elegant and refined, but sultry and seductive. She's adventurous and modern, but nerdy and bookish. She's a big-game hunter, but she keeps fuzzy bunnies as pets.

Okay, we made that last one up.

What we're saying is, Lise is introduced as a woman with a multifaceted personality, a young woman whose complexity is the source of her nontraditional beauty. As Henri rattles off all of the ingredients that it takes to make a Lise—elegance, passion, dorkiness, and so on—we see Lise firsthand. Each time Henri's description changes, so does Lise's costume.

Each of Lise's outfits symbolizes a different facet of her temperament. Her threads demonstrate and reinforce her complexity. At least they do for Henri, since Lise's symbolic fashion show takes place in his imagination. For all we know, when Lise isn't at work or out on the town, she's in sweatpants 24/7 just like the rest of us. In short, Lise's costumes suggest that the clothes make the woman.