And Death Shall Have No Dominion Theme of Transformation

If we get to have "stars at elbow and foot" in "And death shall have no dominion," we're guessing some sort of transformation has to occur first. And when we think about death, we understand that there's probably no bigger transformation than the one that follows the end of our earthly lives.

Questions About Transformation

  1. Is transformation an individualized sort of thing in the poem or is it all the same for everyone?
  2. How do the themes of transformation and perseverance appear to work together in the poem? Can we have one without the other?
  3. How does all the cosmic imagery contribute to this theme of transformation? Do you think the cosmos are transformed at all? Why or why not?
  4. Does the speaker's omniscient voice contribute at all to the poem's theme of transformation? Why or why not?

Chew on This

Try on an opinion or two, start a debate, or play the devil’s advocate.

Transformation is the same for everyone and invariably leads to a sense of unity and peace.

Transformation will not be the same for everyone in the poem since love appears to be the deciding element that affects how one experiences the cosmic afterlife.