Animal Farm Quizzes

Think you’ve got your head wrapped around Animal Farm? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
Q. Which two genre terms can be applied to Animal Farm?

Non-fiction and myth
Animal fable and allegory
Myth and animal fable
Non-fiction and (gory) allegory
Q. What type of tone does the narrator use?

Super objective
Q. Orwell uses simple words and sentences while he's writing. Considering what we know from the novel (and his overarching message), why do you think he used such simple language?

He knows that the proletariat is stupid
He's highly suspicious of intellectuals
He really isn't much of a deep thinker
He believes simple language conveys ideas more deeply
Q. What is Orwell's overarching message?

People are a lot like domesticated animals
All governments will eventually fail
Absolute power corrupts absolutely
You need to know where your bacon comes from
Q. What happens to the pigs by the end of the novel?

They walk on two legs and are remarkably human
They are eventually butchered in the Barn Rebellion
They take over another farm and the rebellion spreads on
We were hungry and wanted bacon…end of story