The Moon and Stars

Symbol Analysis

If there's any part of the natural world in this poem that feels like it might be sort of positive and friendly, this is probably it. While the wind chills and kills and the ocean is full of demons, at least the moon and stars bring memories of Annabel Lee. At the same time, it's clear that memories of the moon and stars aren't very happy ones for our speaker.

  • Line 34: Here the moon, with the way it "beams" and "brings him dreams" feels almost like a character. Poe's flirting with personification here, but the moon slips away quickly. Finally, it's Annabel who matters, always and forever.
  • Line 36: Here it almost seems like Annabel is there again. We can't quite tell if the stars are meant to be a metaphor for her eyes or if our speaker might think that he sees her eyes in the sky. The vision is a little bit beautiful and sad, and also a little bit scary.