anyone who lived in a pretty how town Love Quotes

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Quote #1

children guessed […]
that noone loved him more by more (9-12)

The children of the town see anyone hanging with a woman named "noone" and they figure that noone is falling in love with anyone. But these children eventually grow up and stop caring about other people's business.

Quote #2

she laughed his joy she cried his grief (14)

Noone loves anyone so much that he becomes her whole world. She feels bad when he feels bad and she feels great when he feels great. It's like they're two sides of the same coin.

Quote #3

bird by snow and stir by still
anyone's any was all to her (15-16)

The whole world revolves around noone's love for anyone. The birds, the snow, the whole world is caught up in the love she feels. It's just a shame that one day, death will separate the two lovers.