Around the World in Eighty Days Time Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

He breakfasted and dined at the club, at hours mathematically fixed. (1.7)

Phileas Fogg keeps a strict schedule, and we do mean strict. This guy literally chows down at the same time every single day. We wonder what this says about his personality…

Quote #2

"What time is it?" (1.11)

It's time for lunch. Nah, just kidding. How many times are they going to ask this question throughout the novel? Enough that you probably don't want to try to count.

Quote #3

"Now from this moment, twenty-nine minutes after eleven, a.m., this Wednesday, October 2nd, you are in my service." (1.12)

What an employer—Phileas documents not just the date, but the time he hires people. Hope Passepartout can handle working for such a precise dude.