Trouble Kelp

Character Analysis

Nicknamed Trubs by his younger brother, Grub, we really have no idea what Trouble's given name is. Trouble is the name "he'd insisted on [...] at his manhood ceremony, having just been accepted into the Academy" (6.213). He's the Captain of LEPretrieval One, the elite team of stealth operatives that's first onto the grounds of the Fowl estate, and he's… also one of the first to get knocked out by Butler, which his little brother is never going to let him forget. 

Not that he's not used to his brother's pesky behavior already, though—he has a problem getting his brother to act like a professional even though he requested him on his squad (6.225). Much as Trouble'd hate to admit it, it's obvious that family is a priority for him… even when they get on his nerves.