The Artist Scene 16 Summary

  • Things are not going well between George and his wife. She's becoming a little too skilled at defacing his pictures.
  • Things between George and his dog, on the other hand, are just as swell as always.
  • Working from home, George taps away furiously on his typewriter. He's giving away personal checks like they grow on trees.
  • The checks are to fund his new film, Tears of Love, directed by, produced by, and starring: George Valentin. It's a jungle-adventure-romance type of movie, silent of course.
  • He writes a gazillion more checks.
  • Tears of Love is set to premiere on October 25. Unfortunately, that's also the release date of Peppy Miller's new film, Beauty Spot, a talkie (shout out to George, who invented Peppy's beauty spot).
  • The papers quote George's sentiment that talkies are "not serious" and promote Peppy as the new "sound of love."