Paul Riesling Timeline and Summary


Paul Riesling Timeline and Summary

  • Paul meets Babbitt for lunch. Paul is his usual moody self, and he shows no surprise at all when Babbitt starts confiding in him about how making money isn't all it's cracked up to be.
  • Paul complains that he can't go on any longer, not with having a job he hates and a wife who is always nagging him.
  • To cheer Paul up, Babbitt takes him on a fishing trip up in Maine. The trip seems to do Paul some good. But as soon as his wife Zilla joins him, his happiness goes away.
  • Later in the book, Babbitt catches Paul eating dinner with a woman he is surely having an affair with. After waiting in Paul's hotel room for hours, he confronts Paul about the affair and Paul tells him to mind his own business.
  • Just when Babbitt's life looks like it's going well, Paul goes to jail for shooting Zilla. It's clear to Babbitt that Paul is totally finished. He's spent his entire adult life doing a job he hates and being married to a woman he can't stand. There's just no life left in him.