Charlie Wales Timeline and Summary


Charlie Wales Timeline and Summary

  • Charlie goes to the Ritz and asks for his friends, who are not there. He leaves his brother-in-law's address for Duncan Schaeffer.
  • Charlie wanders around Paris and sees the old sights with new eyes. Charlie goes to see his daughter, Honoria; he chats a bit with his wife's sister, Marion, and her husband, Lincoln.
  • Charlie goes around the city and is simultaneously disgusted and amazed at his former extravagance and waste.
  • The next day he takes his daughter out to lunch. He tries to stave off Lorraine and Duncan when they meet at the restaurant, but ends up having a drink with them at the vaudeville.
  • On the way home, Charlie is pleased to hear that his daughter wants to live with him.
  • The next day Charlie asks Marion for Honoria. They talk and she finally agrees.
  • Charlie goes home and dreams about his wife.
  • Charlie gets a note from Lorraine telling him to come out to a drink with them. He is horrified by the reminder that he once pedaled her all over Paris on a stolen tricycle.
  • Charlie goes over to the Peters' house to finalize his plans to take Honoria home. To his dismay, Duncan and Lorraine show up and upset Marion. Charlie can't figure out how they got the Peters' address.
  • Charlie is kicked out of the Peters' and goes to the Ritz bar to have his daily drink. Lincoln calls and tells him it's a no-go for getting Honoria. Charlie refuses another drink and wonders how long he'll have to pay for his past.