George McFly (Crispin Glover)’s Timeline and Summary

George McFly (Crispin Glover)’s Timeline and Summary

  • We don't see this guy winning any bar fights. When we first meet George, he's cowering before Biff, taking the blame for the car wreck (which is not in any way his fault) and agreeing to do Biff's work for him. What a role model.
  • 1955 George isn't much better. He doesn't have the glasses yet, and his head doesn't look like it's the victim of an oil spill, so he's not totally hopeless just yet… but he's hardly Marlon Brando. Marty has a hard time convincing him to ask Lorraine to the dance, and has to pretend to be an extraterrestrial in order to talk some sense into him.
  • Unable to win her over the old-fashioned way, Marty and George instead decide to put on a little show. George strolls up to the car on the night of the dance with the intent to try out a little stage combat on Marty…but instead must contend with an actual baddie in the form of Biff. Fortunately, he summons strength he didn't know he had and makes Biff see stars.
  • Now that he's won Lorraine's heart, the two go into the dance together, and have their first kiss (after George pushes yet another creep out of the way).
  • 1985 George is far more good-looking, confident and athletic than his other self. And he's a published author. Did this guy win the lottery of life, or what?