The Kid Timeline and Summary


The Kid Timeline and Summary

  • The kid runs away from home at the age of fourteen. Things are rough from the start. It takes him fewer than six months to get stabbed and shot.
  • Eventually, the kid is so hard up that he agrees to join an American militia headed by a guy named Captain White. The group rides into Mexico where it's immediately massacred by a group of Apache warriors.
  • The kid escapes the massacre to find himself in Mexican prison. He gets bailed out by Judge Holden and a guy named Glanton, who need people to help them hunt Apaches and sell their scalps.
  • The kid joins Glanton's group, though it's clear he has no stomach for killing unless it's in self-defense. On more than one occasion, he helps one of his fallen comrades when Glanton has ordered him not to.
  • Eventually, Glanton's crew gets slaughtered by a group of Yumas. The kid makes it out alive, but Judge Holden tries to kill him for always being such a weakling. The kid escapes though.
  • The kid runs into the judge ten years after the Yuma raid. The judge still thinks that the kid is an insult to tough people everywhere. When the kid goes out to use the outhouse, the judge pulls him inside and we're not really sure what happens after that. We just know that the judge comes out and the kid doesn't.