The Book Thief Max Vandenburg Quotes

"Do you still play the accordion?" (29.4)

This is the second line Max speaks to Hans when he finally makes it to Himmel Street. Bringing up the accordion evokes the relationship between Hans and Erik, Max's father. They are words that foreshadow the father-son like relationship that will develop between Hans and Max.

Max Vandenburg

Quote 2

"When death captures me," the boy vowed, "he will feel my fist in his face." (31.26)

This is young Max communicating his desire to live. This fighting spirit probably has a lot to do with his ultimate survival.

He let his mouth kiss her palm. "Yes, Liesel, it's me," and he held the girls hand in his face and cried onto her fingers. (79.51)

This act also takes courage. Max knows that it will be much "safer" for himself and Liesel if he ignores her. But he also knows that some things are more important than safety.