The Bourne Identity Quizzes

Think you’ve got your head wrapped around The Bourne Identity? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
Q. When Bourne says, "It's easier than dying," what is it that's easier than dying?

For Marie to smile and pretend she's enjoying herself.
For Marie to give up economics and join him in a life of leisure with their stolen millions.
To murder Carlos.
To join the circus with Carlos as the Flaming Assassin Brothers.
Q. Marie says " I suppose that's dreadful of me." What is it she's done that's dreadful?

She strangled Angélique Villiers.
She created a new financial instrument that caused the economic collapse of every Western nation.
She can't remember the color of Bourne's eyes.
She agreed to help Bourne escape from the police.
Q. "Cain is for Charlie and Delta is for Cain" means that:

Cain has been set to kill Charlie, and Delta has been set to kill Cain.
Bourne is really a man named Charlie Delta.
Genie's lair will open, revealing 5 million dollars and a marriageable Canadian economist
Bourne used to be called Delta; he took on the name "Cain" to indicate that he would replace Carlos (or Charlie.)
Q. Who says, "Hello, David"?

Marie, when Bourne remembers his real name.
Conklin, just before he shoots Bourne in the foot.
Carlos, when he prepares to mount his beloved stealth espionage elephant.
The European, just before he shoots the Silent Monk.
Q. Mo Panov says, " In a way, he's a functioning microcosm of us all." By this he means that:

Carlos is like us all because he's a cold killer.
Carlos is like us all because he has multiple identities.
Bourne is like us all because we're all trying to find out who we are.
Bourne is like us all because we all have a piece of microfilm embedded in our hips.