Paul Timeline and Summary


Paul Timeline and Summary

  • Paul goes to hear his friend DJ Zeke perform at a bookstore, and ends up meeting Noah. 
  • After searching the halls of his high school for several days looking for his new crush, Paul finds Noah, and after a mishap with a misheard locker number, they start dating. 
  • Everything is super cute and generally awesome until… 
  • Paul's ex Kyle reappears, and in a moment of weakness, they kiss. 
  • In the meantime, Paul goes for a hike with his best friend Tony, hugs Tony to console him, and is discovered mid-hug by one of Tony's mom's conservative church lady friends. 
  • Word gets around that Paul kissed someone else, causing Noah to break up with him, but Noah thinks the kissee was Tony. 
  • Paul accidentally admits that it was Kyle, which doesn't win him any points. 
  • While architecting the Dowager's Dance, Paul comes up with a scheme to (a) get Noah back and (b) get Tony's parents to let him go to the dance. 
  • After some serious love notes and truly inspired apology gifts Paul gets Noah back, and with a little help from his friends he gets Tony's parents to let him out of the house. 
  • Before the Dowager's Dance, Paul and his crew stop off at the site of the fateful Tony hug for a little shindig of their own. 
  • Paul watches his friends dancing together, dances with his boyfriend, and realizes he's a seriously lucky dude for having such awesome people in his life.