Consumed Imagery

Symbol Analysis

If you've ever been "consumed" by something, you know that this figurative expression means that you're obsessed by something. It's not like some giant whale came up and swallowed you whole. (If it did, why are you reading this? Go right out and sell your story for the movie rights.)

But then again, it might feel like that. Being consumed suggests that there is something—an idea or a goal, maybe—that has an immense influence on your life, something that is larger than you. In "The Broken Heart," Donne plays on this expression and uses imagery of being eaten and devoured to show how falling in love can feel like you're being consumed by some giant, scary monster.

  • Line 4: Personified love is capable of eating not just you, but nine more just like you—all within the space of an hour—gulp.
  • Line 14: This lines brings us a good news-bad news scenario. Sure, you're going to eaten whole by personified love, but at least you won't be chewed on as it happens. So…you'll have that going for you.
  • Line 16: A pike is a fearsome, freshwater predator. According to this metaphor, our hearts are just so many baby fish (called "fry") to be chomped on by the fearsome pike of love. Bad times.