Charlotte's Web Mrs. Arable Quotes

Mrs. Arable > Lurvy

Quote 1

"That's some pig!" said Mrs. Arable.

"He's terrific," said Lurvy.

"He's very radiant," said Fern, remembering the day he was born. (16.42-4)

It's obvious to us that Mrs. Arable, Lurvy, and Fern are quoting directly from Charlotte's web. But do you think they realize they're quoting the web's messages? Or have they absorbed the web's message into their own minds? Now that's a scary thought.

Mrs. Arable

Quote 2

Fern met her friend Henry Fussy, and he invited her to ride with him in the Ferris wheel. He even bought a ticket for her, so it didn't cost her anything. When Mrs. Arable happened to look up into the starry sky and saw her little daughter sitting with Henry Fussy and going higher and higher into the air, and saw how happy Fern looked, she just shook her head. "My, my!" she said. "Henry Fussy. Think of that!" (18.5)

Sounds like Fern might be on a date. What do you think of Mrs. Arable's reaction? She certainly sounds surprised. Do you think Mama Arable also sounds pleased? Or worried? And isn't Fern a little young to be going on dates?