Victoria Timeline and Summary


Victoria Timeline and Summary

  • For all of Act 1, Victoria is played by a doll. She has no lines, but her parents and grandmother are constantly saying things about her and calling her a little lady. Basically, Churchill is telling us that little girls have almost no voice in a society that tries to turn them into little "ladies."
  • In Act 2, Victoria is a fully-grown woman: a mother and wife. She has a pretty rocky relationship with her husband, Martin.
  • Victoria finds out that her mother Betty has left her father, Clive. The first thing that pops into Vicky's mind is how annoying it'll be to have to visit both of them separately.
  • Victoria's best friend Lin reveals that she's a lesbian and asks Victoria to have sex with her. Victoria declines at first, though she admits she's not totally grossed out at the idea.
  • Eventually, Victoria agrees to have a weird ceremonial orgy with her brother Edward and Lin. As the three of them have sex, they pull in anyone who's walking by.
  • When the orgy is over, Victoria decides to move into a house with Lin and Edward, as well as her and Lin's children.
  • Later, Betty asks if she can live in the house with them, too. But Victoria refuses.