Cold Mountain Love Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

He put his hands to her shoulders a moment and she settled back with her head beneath his chin. Ada remembered thinking that she never wished to leave this place but was not aware that she had said it aloud. What she did remember was that he had seemed as content as she was and had not pressed for more but only moved his hands out to the points of her shoulders and held her there. She remembered the smell of his damp wool suit and a lingering smell of horse and tack. (4.44)

For many romance stories, this would be a very restrained moment to remember for four years. Why is it so important to Ada and Inman?

Quote #2

The months when we knew you were to come seemed a strange blessing for a pair such as we were: old and marred by the past. When Claire died in childbirth, I could not hardly think that God would be so short with us. I could do little for weeks. Kind neighbors found a wet nurse for you and I took to my bed. When I rose again, it was with the determination that my life was now at your service. (8.156)

Romantic love is a central theme in the book, but Monroe's words here remind us of how deeply he loved his daughter as well as his wife. What role does familial affection play in Cold Mountain?

Quote #3

But what she said was, We might never speak again, and I don't plan to leave that comment standing in place of the truth. You're not owning up to it, but you came with expectations and they were not realized. Largely because I behaved contrary to my heart. I'm sorry for that. And I would do it differently if given a chance to go back and revise. (10.114)

Why is it so hard for Ada to say what she feels, even when Inman is going to war? How is this moment one step in her eventual ability to tell him she loves him?