Corduroy Luxury vs. Simplicity Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Page)

Quote #1

Illustration on p. 23: The saleslady pulls Corduroy off the shelf for Lisa.

On page 2, we get a sense of both the grandeur and the loneliness of the department store. The store is big and crowded, but nobody is looking at Corduroy except for Lisa.

Contrast that with this illustration on page 23. Every single character is looking at Corduroy, even his stuffed shelfmates. Freeman uses eye contact to represent the connection Corduroy lacked in the department store. Once Lisa has Corduroy in her arms, she doesn't take her eyes off him for the remainder of the story.

Quote #2

Illustration on p. 10-11: Corduroy in the furniture section.

This picture already got a shout-out as a representation of the Curiosity/Bravery theme, but it's worth doubling down here as well. This is the largest illustration in the book, clearly meant to represent the sheer massiveness of most department stores.

Beyond that, the furniture pieces are drawn haphazardly around the page, not seemingly organized or connected in any way. The department store is luxurious and impersonal, while Lisa's room is sparsely decorated but cozy.

Quote #3

Illustration on p. 26: Lisa's room

Freeman makes some interesting color choices on this page. Throughout the book, his cheerful yellows and pinks highlighted the department store during the day, while deep blues and blacks washed over the store after closing hours. Lisa's room features a mix of all the other colors used in the book, possibly signaling that it will be a permanent home for Corduroy to spend all of his days and nights.