Crash Family Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

I cut him off. "My father is starting a new business. He works seventy hours a week. Sometimes more." (1.20)

Hmm. Do you think working 70 hours a week is a good thing or a bad thing? What does Crash think? How can you tell?

Quote #2

"Who did you say you got your name from?"

"My great-grandfather. He named me after the Penn Relays. Not many children have a great-grandfather. My dad says I'm really lucky." (2.34-2.35)

Penn Webb also says his great-grandfather is his best friend, which is maybe the sweetest thing we've ever heard. Except for how much Crash loves his grandfather. That's pretty sweet, too. What's your relationship like with your grandparents? Does it seem realistic to you that both of these boys are so close to their grandfathers, or does that seem strange?

Quote #3

"Do we have a great-grandfather?" I said.

She went, "Shhh!" and gave me a dirty look. She whispered, "I don't know. Ask Mommy." (2.48-2.49)

The Coogan family seems pretty close, but neither Crash nor Abby know if they have a great-grandfather. That's a telling detail. So, what does it tell you?