Crispin: Cross of Lead Genre

Young Adult; Historical Fiction; Adventure

Crispin: The Cross of Lead is set in the 14th century and is all about a thirteen-year-old boy who manages to survive some seriously exciting times. We know it's a young adult book because it is about a young person who deals with classic growing up issues, such as functioning separately from his parents and finding his identity.

Historical fiction refers to any story set in the real world but way back in the day, and since our story's set in 1377, we'd say it fits the bill, especially since it references the Black Death on the regular. As for adventure stories, they contain things like desperate chases, theft, murder, sword fights, and more, all of which Crispin encounters as he makes his way with Bear. Put all together, Crispin: The Cross of Lead is a young adult historical fiction adventure book. Boom.