Cry, the Beloved Country Chapter 34 Summary

  • Kumalo's friend (the one who brings milk from the Jarvises for the kids of Ndotsheni) arrives with bad news: Margaret Jarvis is dead.
  • Kumalo writes Mr. Jarvis a condolence letter on behalf of his church.
  • The local Bishop pulls Kumalo into conversation. He wants to suggest that, after all of his troubles, maybe Kumalo should leave Ndotsheni.
  • Luckily, as the Bishop is basically firing Kumalo, a message arrives from Jarvis, thanking Kumalo for his condolences. Jarvis also tells Kumalo that it was his wife's plan to help rebuild the church at Ndotsheni.
  • When the Bishop realizes that Jarvis (a) does not mind having Kumalo in the neighborhood, and (b) actually likes working with him for charity, he gives up his plan of moving Kumalo to another parish.
  • The people from the church make up a wreath of flowers to send to Jarvis in sorrow for his wife.