Cold War: Cuban Missile Crisis to Detente Primary Sources

Cold War: Cuban Missile Crisis to Detente Primary Sources

Historical documents. What clues can you gather about the time, place, players, and culture?

Yale University's Avalon Project: Cold War Documents

The Avalon Project is a collection of documents organized in categories of events, and then in chronological order, so you can piece together what unfolds.

Mt. Holyoke College: Documents Relating to American Foreign Policy—The Cold War

Here's Mt. Holyoke's well-organized list of links and documents relating to the Cold War, organized by year of event.

Wilson Center: Cold War International History Project

The Cold War International History Project at the Wilson Center is a large archive of documents with an international focus.

George Washington University's National Security Archive

GWU's National Security Archive features a collection of secret government documents, received via the Freedom of Information Act.

UC Santa Barbara's American Presidency Project

USB has made available a collection of the public papers of American presidents.