Book of Daniel Symbolism, Imagery, Allegory

The Statue in Nebuchadnezzar's Dream

This statue is apparently really scary. It doesn't just terrify Nebuchadnezzar when he sees it. Its image lingers, prolonging his freak-out, giving him insomnia, and imperiling the lives of all the...

The Tree in Nebuchadnezzar's Dream

The tree in Nebuchadnezzar's dream is a symbol for his own self. He will go from being a great provider, someone showering prosperity on his people and providing over a massive Empire, to some delu...

Nebuchadnezzar's Animal Transformation

Picking up from our description of the tree dream: after Daniel tells Nebuchadnezzar he's going to turn into an animal or animal-like guy unless he acknowledges God and stops being so proud, guess...

The Fiery Furnace

The fiery furnace is one of the classic images from the Bible, and it represents the victory of people standing up for what they believe, and refusing to bow to oppression.So, in Daniel 3, three pi...

The Lions' Den

It's a pretty striking image, right? Its significance as an image, in fact, is pretty close to that of the fiery furnace. We don't know where Daniel was during that debacle—sort of AWOL, we guess...

One Like a Human Being (Son of Man)

Okay, this is a pretty controversial one, as it usually is when Christian and Jewish ways of interpreting the Bible start to clash. In Chapter 7: 13-14, Daniel says that, in his night visions, "I s...

The Four Beasts

These four beasts, from Daniel's apocalyptic vision in chapter 7, are the same as the four Empires represented in the statue Nebuchadnezzar sees in his dream, except that dream was actually a relat...

The Writing on the Wall

The term "writing on the wall" is now proverbial. People say things like, "He's seen the writing on the wall," or "Yo—time to read the writing on the wall, kid" or "Aghh! There's a magical hand w...