Choices Quotes in Dark Matter

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

"You could've won that prize," Daniela says.

"You could've owned this city's art scene."

"But we did this." She gestures at the high-ceilinged expanse of our brownstone. (1 46-48)

Daniela and Jason both had to make big decisions before starting their family. Jason had to end his then-burgeoning research career; Daniela had to abandon her dream of becoming a first-rate artist. Both are content with these choices—for the most part, at least. But they both also sometimes regret the sacrifices they had to make.

Quote #2

"You killed your ambition, didn't you?"

"It died of natural causes. Of neglect." (1.540-541)

This is Jason2 talking to our hero Jason, by the way. Here, Jason2 points out how Jason had to make some big sacrifices to start his family; the implication is that he should regret those choices. But does he?

Quote #3

This is Daniela with an energy like the first time we met fifteen years ago, before years of life [...] transformed her into the woman who now shares my bed. (5.282)

In Jason2's universe, Jason meets a version of Daniela who made a radically different choice in her life: to dive headfirst into her art career instead of marrying Jason. This decision creates a massive domino effect, and Jason can see its impact in Daniela's disposition itself. She's practically a different person.