Todd Anderson (Ethan Hawke)’s Timeline and Summary

Todd Anderson (Ethan Hawke)’s Timeline and Summary

  • Todd, and his parents meet the Headmaster.
  • Shortly thereafter, Todd meets Neil and the other guys.
  • He agrees to meet them for a Latin study sesh the next day.
  • During dinner, he and the guys discover the yearbook and the existence of the Dead Poets Society.
  • Todd meets with the DPS but doesn't read.
  • In Mr. Keating's class, Todd is too shy to read his poem, and so is forced to come up with one on the spot.
  • He and Neil bond over their family issues on Todd's birthday.
  • Todd joins the guys to watch Neil in the play.
  • That night, he learns that Neil committed suicide after the play.
  • He runs into the snow, full of grief.
  • When questioned about the DPS, Todd is shy and reticent.
  • But when he sees Mr. Keating, he stands on his desk and salutes him.
  • The film ends with a shot of Todd looking confident and proud.