Ajax / Francis (Ed Skrein)’s Timeline and Summary

Ajax / Francis (Ed Skrein)’s Timeline and Summary

  • Ajax tortures Wade and unleashes his mutant DNA. All the while, Wade mocks him.
  • He tells Wade that he can cure his skin disfigurement, but he doesn't want to. Then he locks him in the torture tank again.
  • Wade escapes from Ajax's torture tank and sets the Weapon X workshop on fire. Ajax fights him, then leaves him for dead.
  • Wade, now Deadpool, tracks Ajax down using his network of thugs. He attacks his convoy, but Ajax escapes.
  • Ajax discovers that Deadpool has a lady. He takes Vanessa hostage and tells Wade to meet him at the shipyard.
  • Ajax fights Deadpool.
  • Ajax tells Wade that there never was a cure.
  • Deadpool kills Ajax.
  • …The end.