Deadpool / Wade Wilson (Ryan Reynolds)’s Timeline and Summary

Deadpool / Wade Wilson (Ryan Reynolds)’s Timeline and Summary

  • Wade meets Vanessa at Sister Margaret's, and, by the end of the year, they're engaged.
  • Wade is diagnosed with terminal cancer and walks out on Vanessa in the middle of the night.
  • After initially resisting, Wade consents to treatment at the Weapon X workshop. His mutant DNA is unleashed, his cancer is effectively cured, and he's terribly disfigured.
  • Wade adopts the masked persona "Deadpool."
  • Deadpool kills several low-level thugs on his way to Ajax. He plans to make Ajax fix his face; then he's going to kill him.
  • Deadpool intercepts Ajax's convoy. Colossus and Negasonic Teenage Warhead intervene; they want Deadpool to go straight and join the X-Men.
  • In the chaos, Ajax escapes from Deadpool, and Deadpool escapes from Colossus.
  • Ajax kidnaps Vanessa and takes her to an abandoned shipyard.
  • After enlisting the help of Colossus and Negasonic Teenage Warhead, Deadpool battles Ajax and his thugs at the shipyard.
  • Ajax reveals that he can't fix Deadpool's face—never could—and Deadpool kills him.
  • Deadpool and Vanessa are reunited. She's angry at first, but they quickly make up (and out).