Deadpool Quiz Quizzes

Think you’ve got your head wrapped around Deadpool? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
Q. What does Ajax tell Wade is the one thing that never survives his research facility?

A sense of humor
The spirit
The weak of heart
A box of donuts
Q. To what does Wade compare himself and Vanessa?

Jigsaw puzzle pieces
Chips and guac
Lady and The Tramp
Q. Why doesn't Wade tell Vanessa that he's alive?

He thinks she'll think he's too ugly to be with.
She's moved on with her life.
Until Ajax kidnaps her, he doesn't know where to find her.
She beat him at Skee-Ball, and he's still bitter.
Q. What's the main reason why Deadpool won't join the X-Men?

He doesn't think he's hero material.
He was burned by them in the past.
Vanessa doesn't want him to.
He thinks their mansion is too drafty.
Q. Getting back together with Vanessa isn't the only reason why Deadpool wants to catch Ajax. He also wants to do what?

Stop Ajax from torturing anybody else.
Find out who Ajax is working for.
Save Colossus.
Get the $20 Ajax owes him for Super Bowl XLIV.