Dear Mr. Henshaw Desires Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

I wish somebody would ask me over sometime. (15.4)

Leigh really wants a friend. One of the downsides of moving is being the new kid, which is what happens to him in sixth grade. On the outside, he's kind of a loner and quiet, but inside he just wants to be noticed and have friends.

Quote #2

I am bothered when my Dad telephones me and finishes by saying, "Well, keep your nose clean, kid." Why can't he say he misses me, and why can't he call me Leigh? I am bothered when he doesn't phone at all which is most of the time. (16.5)

Leigh wants a close relationship with his dad. We're not talking physically close (though Leigh really wants to see him, too), but emotionally close. By calling Leigh "kid," his dad is creating distance between them. Leigh wants to be special to him, not just "kid," which he could call anybody.

Quote #3

I had to laugh at that, but I still wanted my cheesecake. (27.3)

Keeping his lunch safe is a major wish of Leigh's throughout the story, not just because he's hungry but because the thief takes the good stuff. This leads to anger, thoughts of revenge, and making a creative lunchbox alarm that gets a lot of attention at school. But it all starts with a desire.