The Devil in the White City: Murder, Magic, and Madness at the Fair that Changed America Part IV, Chapter 6 Summary

Malice Aforethought

  • A Philadelphia grand jury votes to indict Holmes for the murders of Pitezel and his three children.
  • Holmes sticks to his claim that Minnie Williams and a mysterious Hatch had killed the children.
  • Holmes' memoir reaches newsstands, and it's full of fabrications.
  • Nobody can seem to understand how Holmes managed to escape any serious investigation by the Chicago police. Where's Law and Order when you need it?
  • The Chicago Times-Herald writes of Holmes, "He is a prodigy of wickedness, a human demon, a being so unthinkable that no novelist would dare to invent such a character" (4.6.6).
  • Ugh. Spooky.