Dionysus, Pentheus, and Agave Trivia

Dionysus, Pentheus, and Agave Trivia

Brain Snacks: Tasty Tidbits of Knowledge

(Spoiler alert!) Maryann Forrester, one of the villains of True Blood, turns out to be a Maenad, and tries to summon her god Dionysus by sacrificing Sam Merlotte.

Euripides wrote The Bacchae while living out his last years in Macedonia (not Greece). The play was performed in Athens after his death and won first prize in that year's theatre festival.

On an episode of Hercules: the Legendary Journeys called "The Festival of Dionysus", the hero of heroes tries to stop a murder at the annual festival of the god of wine. Oh, and there's a dude named Prince Pentheus in the episode, too. Coincidence? We think not.

If you're down with creepy comic book characters, check out Eddie Campbell's Bacchus.

Despite its name, Dionysus rarely has Bacchanals on the Bacchus 2063 asteroid, since all his drunken followers would float off into space (too wild even for him).