Dirty Dancing Principles Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from Dirty Dancing.

Quote #1

JAKE: This is not a tragedy. A tragedy is three men trapped in a mine or police dogs used in Birmingham.

BABY: Monks burning themselves in protest.

From the very beginning, we see Baby as a girl with different principles than, say, her sister, who's only concerned about shoes. Either that, or Baby's going to be the most annoying, preachiest girl in college.

Quote #2

NEILL: Are you going to major in English?

BABY: No, Economics of Underdeveloped Countries. I'm going into the Peace Corps.

We would argue that Baby can still use an English degree to change the world, but Baby wants to get in, get her hands dirty, and change things for the better.

Quote #3

BABY: You make me sick. Stay away from me. Stay away from my sister, or I'll have you fired.

It's cathartic when, later on, Johnny punches Robbie. But here we see that Baby's the first person to stand up to this jerk. It's incredible that someone so skinny has guts.