Divergent Chapter 12 Quotes

Divergent Chapter 12 Quotes

How we cite the quotes:

"You're afraid of heights," I say. "How do you survive in the Dauntless compound?" "I ignore my fear," he says. "When I make decisions, I pretend it doesn't exist." I stare at him for a second. I can't help it. To me there's a difference between not being afraid and acting in spite of fear, as he does. (12.122-4)

We've already seen one way to deal with fear, with Tori's explanation of her tattoo (spoiler alert: it's a symbol); and here's Four offering us another way to deal with a fear, which is to act like it doesn't bother you (and bring a change of pants). It's an important aspect of Four's character: he's not fearless, he's just fear-resistant.

The shouts of triumph become infectious, and I lift my voice to join in, running toward my teammates. Christina holds the flag up high, and everyone clusters around her, grabbing her arm to lift the flag even higher. I can't reach her, so I stand off to the side, grinning. (12.190)

Competition doesn't mix so well with friendship in this book, even when the friends are on the same side. Here, Tris and Christina are on the same team in a paintball game. But when Christina grabs the flag, Tris—who came up with the plan—feels left out. Yes, Tris joins in the shouting and running, but at the end of the paragraph, she's still "off to the side."

"What do we get if we win?" someone shouts.

"Sounds like the kind of question someone not from Dauntless would ask," says Four, raising an eyebrow. "You get to win, of course." (12.23-4)

As Tris notes, the Dauntless are very interested in pride (13.9). So they don't reward winning a competition with a stuffed animal or kewpie doll. The real prize of competition is bragging rights and proving that you're better than other people. That sure sounds like a nice community to live in said no one ever.