Divergent Chapter 14 Quotes

Divergent Chapter 14 Quotes

How we cite the quotes:

I step to the side so I stand in front of the mirror. I see muscles that I couldn't see before in my arms, legs, and stomach. I pinch my side, where a layer of fat used to hint at curves to come. Nothing. Dauntless initiation has stolen whatever softness my body had. Is that good, or bad? (14.3)

Yet another mirror scene. Notice that Tris is still a little conflicted about this new identity thing. Now she recognizes this girl as her, but she's not sure that she likes the changes. Although, when you read this, did you have any confusion about whether you thought this was a good thing or not?

My mother and father would not approve of my kicking someone when she's down. I don't care. (14.48-9)

Tris wants us to think that she doesn't care what her parents would think. But there's a big difference between kicking someone and thinking "I wonder what's for lunch today"—which shows you really don't care—and kicking someone and thinking "mom and dad wouldn't be thrilled with this." She may say she doesn't care, but the fact that she's still thinking about her parents shows that she kind of maybe sort of does.