Divergent Chapter 23 Quotes

Divergent Chapter 23 Quotes

How we cite the quotes:

I don't know who I should rely on more, because I'm not sure who my true friends are. Uriah and Marlene, who were on my side even when I seemed strong, or Christina and Will, who have always protected me when I seemed weak? (23.56)

If friends are the people who cheer you up (like Will and Christina) and protect you (like Al), what happens when you don't need cheering up or protecting—are they still your friends? And what about those people who only want to be friends as long as you're happy and don't need their help? That's the exact conundrum Tris is dealing with here and it's a very relatable problem. But don't worry, this problem will be solved by a war that ends up killing many of Tris's loved ones.

Somewhere inside me is a merciful, forgiving person. Somewhere there is a girl who tries to understand what people are going through, who accepts that people do evil things and that desperation leads them to darker places than they ever imagined. I swear she exists, and she hurts for the repentant boy I see in front of me. But if I saw her, I wouldn't recognize her. (23.92-3)

Here's a guilt and blame twofer: (1) how much does Tris blame Al for joining with Peter and attacking her?; and (2) how guilty does Tris feel for not forgiving Al? It's curious that this issue of guilt and blame is phrased in the same way that Tris talks about her identity—it's about being able to recognize a part of herself. If only she'd had mirrors growing up.