Divergent Chapter 8 Quotes

Divergent Chapter 8 Quotes

How we cite the quotes:

Quote 1

I wander around the room, looking at the artwork on the walls. These days, the only artists are in Amity. Abnegation sees art as impractical, and its appreciation as time that could be spent serving others, so though I have seen works of art in textbooks, I have never been in a decorated room before. It makes the air feel close and warm, and I could get lost here for hours without noticing. (8.103)

The factions really define everything about a person's life experience, from job choice to recreation to even food choice, like when Tris is surprised by hamburgers (7.37). And here's a great example of that: the Amity are the only faction that does art, while Dauntless art consists of tattoos (and probably sewing eagles onto their jackets).

"I am not frigid!" I exclaim.

"Don't worry about it," says Will. "It's endearing. Look, you're all red."

The comment only makes my face hotter. Everyone else chuckles. I force a laugh and, after a few seconds, it comes naturally.

It feels good to laugh again. (8.47-53)

If everyone feeling sad (but not crying about it) is a good foundation for friendship, this is the, uh, first floor of friendship: joking around and laughing together. Now, of course it's Will—the joker and teaser—who is leading this friendly moment, but even Tris joins in. But here's a question that's never answered by the book: why does she "force a laugh" at first? Is it just to fit in? Or is it because she's not used to laughing?

It takes me five rounds to hit the middle of the target, and when I do, a rush of energy goes through me. I am awake, my eyes wide open, my hands warm. I lower the gun. There is power in controlling something that can do so much damage—in controlling something, period. Maybe I do belong here. (8.22-3)

Power isn't just about governments, it's about individuals and how they feel (when they have guns). Tris feels a very specific type of power when she's packing: the power to shoot things. This is very Dauntless of her, since they're into that sort of power (controlling, shooting).