Doll Bones Theme of The Supernatural

In many ways, Doll Bones is a ghost story, and the tension of whether or not ghosts are real helps drive the plot. For every strange and spooky thing that happens, there are two interpretations—one that's supernatural, and one that's mundane. Is the Queen really possessed by the spirit of a dead girl? Maybe, maybe not; there's a chance that Poppy made the whole story up based on something she read. There's only one thing we know for sure: That doll is really dang creepy.

Questions About The Supernatural

  1. Many incidents in the story suggest that ghosts are real. Which one did you find the most convincing? Which one seemed the most like a sham or a coincidence? Compare and contrast these moments in the text.
  2. Alice goes back and forth about whether or not she believes that the Queen is possessed by the ghost of Eleanor Kerchner. By the end of the book, do you think she's convinced? Why or why not?
  3. Let's say the ghost of Eleanor is real. Do you think she's a sympathetic character? Explain your answer.

Chew on This

Try on an opinion or two, start a debate, or play the devil’s advocate.

There's a strong supernatural force at work in the world of Doll Bones—the story just doesn't make sense otherwise.

In Doll Bones, all the supernatural elements are the product of the kids' imaginations—there is no such thing as ghosts.