The Dragon

The Dragon

Imagine Dragons

If you were to draw a map of Crab Key, it would likely be a vague circle with HERE BE DRAGONS scribbled across it. Both Quarrel and Honey believe that a dragon patrols Dr. No's lair. Honey even describes the thing as if it's a living, breathing beast.

HONEY: He had two great, glaring eyes, short tail and pointed wings. He was breathing fire. You don't believe me, do you?

We believe that Honey has been reading a little too much Tolkien. How do adults in the 1960s believe in dragons? Leiter suggests that it was all rumor that has taken hold of the natives living in a pre-Snopes world.

LEITER: Native superstition, started by Dr. No, probably.

The dragon turns out to be a tank painted to look like a dragon, which is a pretty cool invention, but also obviously not a dragon. It helps the rumor that most people who get near it are roasted, toasted, and burned to a crisp (RIP Quarrel) But it also illustrates one of Dr. No's greatest powers.

Dr. No's greatest asset is his mysterious nature. When people don't truly understand him, his motives, or the landscape around his lair, the rumors swirl and grow, making him seem more powerful than he actually is. The rumors act like a shield, keeping people away from his island altogether. Works better than really bad B.O.