Hoke (Morgan Freeman)’s Timeline and Summary

Hoke (Morgan Freeman)’s Timeline and Summary

  • Hoke helps a man stuck in an elevator at Boolie's cotton factory.
  • Boolie hires Hoke to drive his mother, who refuses Hoke's help. He busies himself around her house because she won't let him drive her.
  • Hoke follows Daisy in the car until she gets in so that he can take her to Piggly Wiggly.
  • Hoke eats a can of salmon, and replaces it. This is a huge deal, because Daisy thinks he stole it.
  • Daisy helps Hoke learn to read and write.
  • In Alabama, Hoke is stopped by a policeman for driving while black.
  • When Miss Daisy's Jewish temple is bombed, Hoke tells her a story about when his childhood friend's dad was lynched. Daisy thinks his story is nothing like hers.
  • On the way to a Martin Luther King Jr. speech, Daisy insinuates Hoke might like to attend.
  • He's offended he didn't ask him like a normal person; instead, she waited until the last minute.
  • Hoke brings Daisy Krispy Kreme during a snowstorm, making him the best guy ever.
  • When Daisy has an episode of agitation due to her dementia, Hoke comforts her. She says he's her best friend.
  • He visits her in a nursing home and feeds her pumpkin pie, loyal to the last despite how she's treated him.