Dubliners Drugs and Alcohol Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Story.Paragraph)

Quote #1

Freddy Malins […] seeing that Mr Browne was grinning at him from the sideboard, crossed the room on rather shaky legs and began to repeat in an undertone the story he had just told to Gabriel. (The Dead.90)

Freddy may be drunk, but he's smart to pick out the other heavy drinker at the party. Luckily Mr Browne heeds the warning not to give him any more alcohol. While both their drinking seems pretty harmless in this story, it's indicative of a boozy undercurrent that flows throughout these stories.

Quote #2

Mr Browne took another sip of his whisky and said, with sidling mimicry:

"Well, you see, I'm like the famous Mary Cassidy, who is reported to have said: Now Mary, Grimes, if I don't take it, make me take it, for I feel I want it." His hot face had leaned forward a little too confidentially and he had assumed a very low Dublin accent so that the young ladies, with one instinct, received his speech in silence. (The Dead.71-72)

Okay, we're sure Mr Browne is relatively harmless, but his boozing sure makes him a creepy old man. We're betting if he were sober, he'd be treating the young ladies with a bit more respect.

Quote #3

People had great sympathy with him for it was known that he had married an unpresentable woman who was an incurable drunkard. (Grace.68)

While most of the carousing is left to the dudes of Dublin, there are two women with drinking problems in Dubliners: Mr Cunningham's wife, who never shows up in the story, and Mrs Sinico. But since we're talking gender here, let's see how those two stack up against all the men: Eveline's father, Mr Mooney, Little Chandler, Farrington, Joe in "Clay," Old Jack's son in "Ivy Day," Mr Kernan, Harford, and Freddy Malins, and maybe Mr Browne. That's Women: 2; Men: 10. Yikes.