Lee Timeline and Summary


Lee Timeline and Summary

  • Lee is born in a railroad camp in the Sierras. His mother is brutally raped and murdered when the workers find out that she is a woman.
  • Lee starts working for Adam as a servant, and speaks in pidgin. Samuel Hamilton is the one who figures out that he's faking it.
  • After Cathy leaves and Adam slips into his comatose state, Lee raises the boys.
  • Lee becomes the resident scholar. He knows a ton about literature, and even learns Hebrew just to figure out the meaning behind the story of Cain and Abel. No wonder Samuel is his best friend.
  • When the Trasks move to Salinas, Lee briefly leaves to pursue his long-sought dream of owning a bookstore. He's back a few weeks later though, and gets right back to taking care of everyone.
  • Lee lends Cal the money he needs to go into business with Will Hamilton.
  • It's Lee who realizes that Adam's eye problem is really the sign of a stroke.
  • Lee gets really close to Abra. The two of them have a lot of big life talks.
  • When Lee gets the telegram that Aron has died, he relays the news to Adam, which prompts Adam's full-blown stroke.
  • Lee demands that Adam give Cal his blessing before Adam dies.