Eleanor Douglas Timeline and Summary


Eleanor Douglas Timeline and Summary

  • Eleanor starts a new high school in Omaha, Nebraska after living with another family for an entire year. Why wasn't she at home? Because her abusive stepdad Richie kicked her out of the house, and her mom basically left her with the neighbors.
  • Fantastic.
  • Eleanor endures horrible bullying at school and on the bus—on the first day, no one will let her sit down. Enter Park, the only kid who slides over to make room. 
  • Bus rides happen. Eleanor reads Park's comics over his shoulder, and starts to realize she's definitely got a crush on him. 
  • Eleanor and Park fall hard for each other. Park beats up a guy at school who makes fun of Eleanor, and Eleanor finds ways to see Park without her stepdad knowing. Eventually, they end up spending all their time at Park's house after school.
  • Eleanor knows their time is running out: Richie is sure to discover her secret. After a blissful date alone with Park, Eleanor gets home to find out that Richie has discovered them. He's on the warpath, and Eleanor knows she needs to leave.
  • Park offers to drive Eleanor to her uncle's house in Minneapolis. The two of them drive all night and say a heartbreaking goodbye.
  • Eleanor starts over again at her uncle's, safe at last, but without Park in her life.
  • After months of silence, Eleanor sends Park a postcard with three words written on it.