Ellis Island Era Immigration Websites

Ellis Island Era Immigration Websites

Primary Sources on Immigration

Harvard University's Open Collections Program is a project that allows the public to access, via the internet, thousands of resources held in the Harvard libraries. The Open Collections Program's website on immigration to the United States is a treasure trove of primary sources on American immigration history.

Census Data

The United States Census is the best source of raw data on immigration (and many other topics in United States history). Here the Census Bureau presents a table detailing the nationality of the country's foreign-born population since 1850.

Asian-Indian Immigrants on the Mexican Border

"Roots in the Sand" is a fascinating documentary on the unique Punjabi-Mexican rural immigrant community that developed in Southern California's Imperial Valley during the late-19th century. PBS's well-designed companion website includes excerpts from the film and primary sources.

Ellis Island

Ellis Island was America's preeminent immigration center, processing the arrivals of more than 16 million people between 1892 and 1952. Today, Ellis Island is maintained as a museum and center for immigration history. The official Ellis Island website includes a free search tool that might let you find your own ancestors' immigration records.