Good vs. Evil Quotes in Eragon

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

"As they fought, Galbatorix kicked Vrael in the fork of his legs. With that underhanded blow, he gained dominance over Vrael and removed his head with a blazing sword." (3.109)

Argh! NOT COOL. Here Brom tells us about this King Galbatorix fellow, and how he rose to power. Crotch-kicking is not exactly the most noble way to win a throne. This dude's cheating character sets him up as a total villain—perfect ruler of the evil side.

Quote #2

"Who could have done…" He could not force out the words.

[…] "Those who love the pain and suffering of others." (18.32-33)

Here at Yazuac, Eragon asks Brom what possible reason anyone could have for slaughtering a whole village. Brom's response is that some folks (like the Shade and his Urgal pals) are just plain evil. How else would you describe it?

Quote #3

"That is Helgrind .It's the reason Dras-Leona was originally built . […] it's an unhealthy and malevolent thing." (32.14)

Brom says here that a place (the Helgrind mountains) can itself be evil (malevolent). What do you think about this idea? Can places be evil in and of themselves? We mean, other than the DMV? (We kid, we kid. We love you DMV. Any chance we can get a bye to the front of the line?)