Fake Plastic Trees Books

Stanley Donwood and Dr. Tchock, Dead Children Playing (2007)

Interesting collection of artwork previously featured on Radiohead album covers and liner notes.

Tim Footman, Radiohead: Welcome to the Machine: OK Computer and the Death of the Classic Album (2007)

Footman suggests that Radiohead's critically acclaimed 1997 album OK Computer will be the last true rock concept album ever released, now that à la carte digital song downloads have come to dominate the music industry. This loving and laborious breakdown of the story behind every song on OK Computer, and the story of how they were put together to form a brilliantly cohesive album, will thrill any Radiohead fan.

Brandon W. Forbes and George A. Reisch, Radiohead and Philosophy (Popular Culture and Philosophy) (2009)

Radiohead is a pretty intellectual band, and this is a pretty intellectual take on their work. How does Radiohead engage with the philosophical musings of Camus, Sartre, Heidegger, or Marx?